Horska B - new building
In the new building (Horska B) you can connect to eduroam:
- ground floor: in front of the reception desk, in the canteen, in the lecture hall B005 and in the library.
- floor: in the corridor to the computer labs, in all computer labs and in the IT Office.
- floor: in the physics labs.
- floor: in lecture rooms B301, B302, B303, B304, B305, in the eFDrive clubroom and at the K615 corridor (broadcasted from B310).
- floor: in the lecture room B405, weaker signal is also available in lecture rooms B401, B403, B404 and B406.
Coverage map will be ready soon - you can check 1. floor right now.
Horska A - old building
In the old building (Horska A) you can connect to eduroam:
- floor: in the lecture hall A136 (eduroam provided by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering).
- floor: in computer lab A270 and the room A271, in the corridor at K621 near entrance and in the corridor at K617 near second glass doors (broadcasted from A262).
- floor: in lecture rooms A320, A322, A324, A343, A344, A345 a A349 and nearest neighbourhood.
- floor: in the corridor at K612 near entrance and in the IT Office (A440).
Coverage map will be ready soon.
In the Konviktska building you can connect to eduroam:
- floor: in the corridor to the computer labs, in the most computer labs and in the IT Office.
- floor: -
- floor: in the lecture halls K305 and K309, in meeting room K314 and nearest neighbourhood.
- floor: in lecture rooms K403, K404, K409 and K410 and nearest neighbourhood.
Coverage map will be ready soon.
In the Florenc building you can connect to eduroam:
- floor: -
- floor: in the lecture hall F210 and the computer lab F215 and nearest neighbourhood.
- floor: in the lecture hall F309 and the computer lab F311 and nearest neighbourhood.
- floor: in the library F408 and nearest neighbourhood.
Coverage map will be ready soon.